Bicycles At UF

Making Cycling Better For Gators

This website is a repository of cycling information and resources made available to the students, faculty and staff of the University of Florida by campus and community organizations.

Thanks to a partnership between Transportation And Parking Services and the Office of Sustainability, UF’s bicycle programs support the campus cycling community through education, outreach and advocacy programs with the goal of making cycling safer and more accessible for cyclists of all skill levels and abilities.

To achieve this goal, the Campus Bicycle Program Coordinator works with partners across campus to ensure that relevant programs, resources and infrastructure are developed and implemented with the safety and benefit of cyclists in mind.

The University of Florida is a Gold Bicycle Friendly University

Find out more about the League of American Bicyclists’ Bicycle Friendly America Program here.

Campus Partners

Campus Partners

Transportation & Parking Services Office of Sustainability University of Florida Police Department RecSports Center for Outdoor Recreation & Education Planning, Design & Construction Student Affairs Florida Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center UF Housing... Learn More



All positions are currently filled, but we welcome your applications to hold on file for future openings. UF Bikes, with support from the Office of Sustainability, is seeking students for a paid internship focusing on bicycling advocacy, repair and maintenance, and education. The internship will involve handling operations of the…... Learn More

Contact Us

Contact Us

Depending on the nature of your request, please follow the guidelines for the best way to contact us below: *Please note: most UF Bikes staff are currently working remotely during the COVID-19 shutdown. We are still responding to requests but please forgive any delays in communications. GENERAL INFORMATION AND DATA…... Learn More