Cycling Savvy

In-person classes are currently unavailable.

To be alerted when sessions resume, please sign-up for our mailing list here

In the meantime, you can also explore online classes with Cycling Savvy Online, which is now available to all UF students, faculty and staff at no cost thanks to a partnership with the American Bicycle Education Association.

Cycling Savvy is a cycling safety curriculum for all levels of riders from beginner to advanced. To encourage safe cycling on campus and in Gainesville, the Office of Sustainability will cover the registration expense for current and active UF students, faculty and staff. The three part course involves:

  • Truth & Techniques
    • Students will learn about safe cycling in a classroom setting.
  • Train Your Bike
    • Students will participate in handling drills to build confidence and improve real world riding skills on their bike in a protected area.
  • Tour of Gainesville
    • The Tour of Gainesville is an experiential tour of our city’s roads. The course includes some of the most intimidating road features (intersections, interchanges, merges, etc.) a cyclist might find in his or her travels. Students will discuss the best strategies for each road feature and then ride them while executing these strategies.

Those interested in Cycling Savvy can also explore Cycling Savvy Online, which is now available to all UF students, faculty and staff at no cost thanks to a partnership with the American Bicycle Education Association.